Welcome to the Saunders DDS Blog

5 Myths about Root Canal Therapy

March 8, 2017

Root canal therapy has gotten a bad reputation throughout the years. You may have heard your parents talk about how terrible their root canal treatment was. Perhaps you even need a root canal but are dreading having one done, and are…

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Headaches? Might Be Time to See the Dentist

February 28, 2017

Having a headache is an awful experience. From a mild headache to a tension migraine, headaches can be intense and traumatic. If you frequently have headaches, you know that they impact your daily life. Trying to find out the cause of…

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6 Oral Health Hacks You Didn’t Know About

February 9, 2017

Taking care of your oral health is something that can feel easy to do brush, floss, and visit your dentist in Asheville. Easy, right? Not so fast. While taking care of your teeth can be as easy as 1, 2, 3, there…

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Encouraging Your Child to Brush and Floss 5 Tips to Make Oral Care Easier

January 17, 2017

Let’s face it getting your child to brush is like pulling teeth at times! Tooth decay is not uncommon among children, making it imperative that your child brush and floss from an early age. Even as an infant, it’s recommended by the…

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Why January Is an Excellent Month to See Your Dentist

January 8, 2017

Happy 2017! It’s the New Year and this is the perfect time to start things off positively. The holidays are over and your year is settling in to a more normal routine. In addition to signing up for a new gym…

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Your Top New Year’s Oral Health Resolutions for 2017

December 21, 2016

2017 is just around the corner! What’s on your list for New Year’s Resolutions this year? Whether you’d like to lose weight or stop smoking, your oral health is impacted by the choices you’ll make in the upcoming year. By incorporating…

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Look Your Best This Holiday: 5 Tips to Protect Your Smile!

December 11, 2016

The holidays are here and it’s time to show the world your beautiful smile! Keeping your smile healthy and protected this holiday season is crucial when you’ve got so much going on. Maintaining your oral hygiene habits doesn’t have to be…

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5 Facts to Get You Motivated about Flossing

December 11, 2016

Flossing only takes as long as brushing your teeth around two minutes but millions of Americans are skipping this important oral hygiene practice that could help benefit not just their smile, but their body as well! From claiming there’s just not enough time…

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2017 Is Right Around The Corner: What You Need to Know About Your Dental Insurance

November 16, 2016

The end of the year is fast approaching, you have paid your dental insurance premium, but are you reaping all of its benefits? Saunders DDS, your dentists in Asheville want to make sure you are getting all of the insurance benefits…

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Give The Gift Of A Beautiful Smile This Holiday Season!

November 16, 2016

Let’s be honest, the holidays are a wonderful time to connect with family and friends but sometimes the stress of what to get people can be overwhelming. Let Saunders DDS, your dentists in Asheville, take some of this stress away from…

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How Does Exercise Affect Your Smile?

November 9, 2016

We all know that exercise can do wonders for our bodies. From helping us stay at a healthy weight to promoting heart health and reducing our risk of chronic disease, exercise has all around been promoted as a good thing. If…

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Don’t Scare Your Dentist This Halloween Tips for a Healthy Smile!

October 25, 2016

Halloween is quickly approaching! This means kids are getting ready to dress up as their favorite character, have fun with family and friends, and receive oodles of treats! Halloween is a time when kids and adults alike are exposed to sticky,…

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The Consequences of Missing Your Professional Teeth Cleaning

October 12, 2016

The American Dental Association recommends professional teeth cleaning at intervals determined by your dentist. Some people will need to visit the dentist more often, some less often. It all depends on you and your unique smile! A general rule is that every…

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Top Reasons Why Your Kids Need a Back-to-School Dental Checkup

September 8, 2016

It’s that time of year! The kids are heading back to school and you’re glad summer is finally over. The kids have their new classes, new school supplies, and have had their regular checkup at the doctor to ensure all is…

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The Top 6 Worst Drinks for Your Teeth

August 18, 2016

Food isn’t the only thing that affects your teeth sugary treats are bad, but sugary drinks can be even more damaging to your smile! This is especially true when we drink over prolonged periods of time.  Sipping  on the wrong types of…

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Your Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry Options

August 8, 2016

Losing a tooth or several teeth due to decay or an injury is life-changing. Your smile is the gateway to your face people say a smile is the first thing they notice about other people. What you love about your smile today…

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Why Brushing Before Breakfast Is Better

July 21, 2016

Most people have a preference as to when they take care of their oral health in the morning either before or after breakfast. Many people can’t stand the bad taste in their mouth in the morning and brush immediately after waking and…

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Can Oral Piercings Damage Your Teeth?

July 21, 2016

Oral piercings have become very popular among teens and adults alike from tongue barbells to lip rings to even getting the connective tissue in your mouth pierced, piercers can do just about anything these days. Although these trendy practices may seem cool…

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The Best and Worst Summer Treats for Your Smile

July 17, 2016

In the heat of summer, you naturally gravitate towards cold foods and treats to help keep you cool! There are many summer treats that are healthy for your teeth and gums, but there are just as many more that are harmful.…

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Missing Teeth and Your Smile What You Need to Know

July 14, 2016

Are you one of the millions of Americans who are missing at least one tooth? Even just one lost tooth can affect your smile more than you think. People can lose teeth because of trauma, but tooth decay and gum disease…

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