8 Myths About Getting Braces as an Adult

Although orthodontic treatment is typically associated with teenagers and kids, more adults than ever are investing in their smiles to get straighter, healthier teeth.

If you’ve been considering braces—whether to correct issues that were never corrected or to recorrect new issues—there’s no need to avoid treatment just because you’re an adult.

In fact, getting braces as an adult can give you the smile of your dreams that you can enjoy for a lifetime. Here are eight myths about getting braces as an adult you should know about!

  1. Braces Will Be Noticeable

We all know the traditional metal braces of days gone by. However, there are many options available for both kids and adults today who want braces that are much less noticeable.

Depending on the specific issues you want to fix and your budget, you may be able to choose from:

  • Invisalign clear aligners. These aligners are custom-made for your smile and made out of plastic. They are virtually invisible in your mouth, allowing you to get the treatment you need without worrying about your appearance in the meantime. Since you can remove the aligners, Invisalign makes it easy to keep your teeth clean while receiving orthodontic treatment.
  • Ceramic braces. Ceramic braces use tooth-colored brackets and wires, so while they still function like traditional braces, they are much less visible in the mouth. These braces give you all the benefits of metal braces without the appearance of them.
  • Lingual braces. Lingual braces are placed on the back of your teeth, meaning that while they will effectively move your teeth in place, they are completely invisible when you smile. These braces are just like metal braces, but not at all visible.

Although not every specific case will qualify for each type of braces, your orthodontist can review your options with you during your consultation. In the majority of cases, you’re not limited to metal braces.

  1. Only Kids Have Braces

While it’s true that kids and teenagers are the most common people to have braces, one in three adults now has braces, so you are certainly not alone if you’re receiving orthodontic treatment or want to get braces as an adult. Whether your parents weren’t able to secure orthodontic treatment for you as a kid or you’re dealing with new issues as an adult, braces are for people of all ages, and there’s no better time to invest in your smile so you can enjoy all the years ahead!

  1. I Can’t Afford Braces

The price of braces varies widely depending on the type of orthodontic treatment you get and how long you need to wear your braces for. Don’t assume you can’t afford braces just because you’ve heard they’re expensive. In addition, many orthodontic offices offer in-house plans or payment plans so you can get the treatment you need at a price that won’t break your budget. Your dental insurance provider may also cover part of the cost of your treatment for braces.

  1. Treatment Won’t Be Affective Now That I’m Older

Braces can help correct orthodontic issues for people of any age. Although the optimal time to move teeth is when you’re younger, it doesn’t mean you can’t still get effective treatment with the same outcome now that you’re an adult. In addition, the technology used in braces has changed over time, meaning you may be able to get the results you want in a faster treatment time than you thought possible. It’s never too late to have the smile of your dreams with braces!

  1. Straight Teeth Aren’t Worth the Investment

Straight teeth are absolutely worth investing in, and not just for your appearance, although research shows people who receive orthodontic treatment tend to have greater self-esteem. Correcting bite issues can also lower your chances of developing TMJ complications. Straightening teeth can help lower your risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss as you age, as misaligned or crowded teeth tend to be more difficult to clean, increasing places where plaque and bacteria can affect your teeth and gums.

  1. Treatment Will Take Too Long

While each individual case is different, the average treatment time for adults to wear braces is 18 months to three years. Depending on the issues you’d like to correct with your smile, you may only need braces for a few months. The length of treatment may also depend on the type of braces you’d like as well, with traditional metal braces generally moving teeth the fastest. Your orthodontist can accurately estimate a treatment time based on your unique smile and the goals you want to achieve with orthodontics.

  1. My Insurance Won’t Cover Braces

There are many dental plans out there, and while not all of them will cover braces for adults, there are some that do, so don’t assume your insurance won’t cover your treatment. In addition, if you’re planning to get braces in the next couple years, you have the opportunity to specifically choose a dental plan that covers adult orthodontic treatment. Even if you can’t get coverage through your insurance, your orthodontist may offer in-house interest-free payment plans to help you get the treatment you need.

  1. I Won’t Be Able to Eat All the Foods I Love With Braces

Braces have come a long way since the metal braces you may remember, and with modern treatment options, you don’t have to be limited on foods you can enjoy. For example, when you opt for Invisalign clear aligners, you can fully remove the aligners to eat. This means you can still enjoy all the foods you love without worrying that you’ll hurt your braces or your smile, including apples, hard breads, popcorn, and corn on the cob.

Considering Braces?

Are you an adult considering orthodontic treatment? If you’ve been dreaming of straighter teeth, know that this investment in your smile will last a lifetime with the right care. Our team at Saunders DDS can evaluate your smile and take dental x-rays before referring you to an orthodontist to explore your treatment options. Find out if you qualify for braces by contacting us for an appointment at (828) 277-6060, or by reaching out through our contact form!

Ready to learn more about getting braces as an adult? Contact Saunders DDS to book a complimentary consultation.