How to Stop a Toothache

A toothache can be a debilitating pain in your jaw, or it may be a mild discomfort that comes and goes. No matter what kind of pain characterizes your toothache, an aching tooth is never fun.

But when your tooth is bothering you, you need to know how to reduce tooth pain and what can help with tooth pain, and if your pain could be a dental emergency that requires immediate treatment.

So is there a way to stop toothache pain? Here, we look closer at the potential causes of a toothache as well as what you may be able to do about it.

Why Is Your Tooth Hurting?

Pain is a way for your body to tell you that something is wrong. The same is true for your teeth. Your teeth hurt because something is not quite right with your pearly whites. And when decay or infection has impacted the sensitive nerve tissue inside your teeth, the discomfort can be severe.

Whether you have a single tooth hurting or multiple teeth, it’s important to understand that your pain could point to a bigger problem.

The most common reasons for a toothache include:

  • Enamel erosion. Lost tooth enamel can lead to sensitive teeth, cavities, and even tooth infections.
  • Injury to the teeth. Trauma to the teeth, such as from an impact to the teeth from a fall, accident, or sports injury, can cause aching teeth.
  • Gum disease. Periodontal disease can lead to an infection around the tooth roots that may cause gum recession and painful teeth.
  • Teeth grinding. Bruxism, also called teeth grinding, can lead to aching teeth, especially chronic or severe bruxism.
  • Sinus infections. Many people don’t realize that a sinus infection can actually cause a toothache in the upper back teeth in your mouth.
  • A failing dental restoration. Sometimes, decay underneath an old or failing dental restoration, such as a crown or filling, can cause a toothache.

These are just a few reasons why your tooth or teeth may be aching, and there may be multiple causes for a single source of pain. The only way to identify the problem is to visit your  dentist in Asheville for a dental examination.

What Can Help With Tooth Pain?

Now that you know the potential causes, let’s look at how to stop tooth pain. What can you use for tooth pain, or what can you do at home?

First: Call Your Dentist

The first step when you are experiencing tooth pain is to call your Asheville dentist. Tell them what symptoms you are experiencing and schedule an appointment to have your tooth looked at.

Depending on your symptoms, your tooth pain may be a dental emergency. The office will let you know if you should be seen sooner rather than later. Generally, most practices can see you in a few days, if your tooth pain can wait that long. If not, they may be able to see you that same day for an emergency.

Next: Soothe the Pain While You Wait

Are there any home remedies for tooth pain relief? It will depend on what’s causing your pain, so it can be difficult to effectively do home remedies without knowing the true cause of your discomfort.

Depending on what’s causing your tooth pain, some home remedies for a toothache might include:

  • Rinsing with salt water, which may help soothe an infection until you can see your Asheville dentist.
  • Taking over-the-counter (OTC) medication, which may help temporarily relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Using a warm or cold compress on the side of your face where the tooth is hurting.
  • Avoiding hot or cold foods, which can help severe tooth sensitivity as the result of enamel erosion, decay, or an infection.

Remember that home remedies for tooth pain will not solve the problem. They are simply temporary therapies that can help reduce your discomfort. For a permanent solution to your pain, you will need to see a dentist to ensure the toothache doesn’t get worse.

Then: See Your Dentist

Now it’s time for your dental appointment.

During your visit, tell your dentist about your symptoms, including how severe they have been and how long they have lasted. Your dentist will carefully examine your smile and take dental X-rays to determine the origin of the pain and come up with a treatment plan.

How to stop toothache pain will depend on what is causing it, so everyone’s treatment plan will be unique. For example, if you have a tooth infection, root canal therapy may be necessary. However, if you have a cavity, a filling will usually solve the problem.

For more chronic issues such as sensitive teeth, gum disease, or teeth grinding, your dentist will work with you to design a treatment that will help alleviate your discomfort while protecting your teeth.

When Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

In some cases, a toothache can be an emergency. A toothache is generally considered a dental emergency if you have any of the below symptoms along with your tooth pain:

  • A fever
  • Severe pain
  • Unusual swelling
  • Bleeding

Severe pain combined with swelling and a fever could indicate a tooth infection. Although rare, tooth infections can be life-threatening, so it’s important to get care immediately if you believe you have an infection.

Only you know how bad your pain is, so if you believe your toothache is a dental emergency, don’t wait to seek care from your local dentist or head to the emergency room.

If it is during normal office hours, remember it is always better to seek care from a professional dentist. Emergency rooms do not have dentists on staff and will be able to do little to treat your pain, so always see a dentist if possible. However, don’t put off emergency care if it is after hours and your dentist is closed.

Treat Your Toothache With Saunders DDS

If you’re wondering how to stop tooth pain, contact Saunders DDS today. No problem is worth waiting to get fixed when it comes to your smile. Let us help you treat your tooth pain by solving the root cause—call us at (828) 277-6060 or reach out to us online via our contact form. We look forward to helping you have a pain-free smile!

Take control of your dental health and reclaim your smile! Contact Saunders DDS today to explore effective tooth pain treatment options and achieve lasting relief. Call us at (828) 277-6060.