How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

Dental crowns are porcelain ceramic artificial teeth that fit over your existing teeth. Each crown is custom-made, meaning it will blend in with your teeth and not be noticeable even when you smile.

You may have also heard of dental crowns as “capping” teeth. This is because the crown goes over your existing tooth and covers it, protecting it from damage and restoring the tooth’s appearance.

There are many benefits to dental crowns. They are durable, stain-resistant, and play a crucial role in many tooth restoration procedures today. But how long do dental crowns last? If you’re curious about the longevity of dental crowns, we have the answers you’re looking for.

Dental Crowns Can Last Many Years

Dental crowns can last for many years when they are properly placed and cared for. In fact, dental crowns can last 10 years and even longer. In some cases, dental crowns have the potential to last up to 30 years.

How long your dental crown lasts will depend on how well it fits your smile and how well it is bonded to your tooth. By properly prepping the tooth and bonding the crown, your Asheville dentist will ensure your dental crown has the potential to last for many years.

Caring for your dental crown can ensure it will last the longest possible amount of time. Factors that influence the longevity of your dental crown include the quality of the crown, how well you care for it, the health of the existing tooth, your overall oral health, and whether or not you grind your teeth.

How to Care for a Dental Crown

Caring for a dental crown is not much different than caring for your regular teeth. You will still need to brush and floss your teeth daily.

You may need to take extra care to floss around the dental crown to ensure you remove trapped food particles and bacteria from where the crown meets your gumline. Flossing aids, such as water flossers, may make flossing around your crown easier, especially if you struggle with mobility.

Visiting your dentist in Asheville regularly is a must to ensure your dental crown remains strong and healthy. While your dentist will check your restoration during your visit, you will also receive a professional teeth cleaning, which can help keep your teeth healthy and preserve the crown. Although a dental crown cannot get decay, it is possible for the tooth underneath to get a cavity, so you still need to maintain your oral health.

It’s also essential to protect your dental crown by not using your teeth as tools or for chewing or ice or other objects. Dental crowns are very sturdy and can last for many years, but when you use your teeth to open packages or chew on ice or pencils, you can prematurely damage crowns.

Teeth grinding can also damage your dental crowns, which is why it’s imperative to treat teeth grinding before you have your crown installed, or continue to manage it with a nightly mouthguard if needed to protect your smile.

When a Crown May Be Needed

There are several cases where someone may need a dental crown. Dental crowns are popular restoration options because they allow you to keep your natural teeth and also provide years of functional and aesthetic benefits. In addition, dental crowns match your natural teeth so they don’t stand out as a dental restoration.

Dental crowns are an excellent option for broken teeth or teeth that have been significantly damaged by decay. In cases such as these, root canal therapy may be necessary. A dental crown can protect a tooth that has had a root canal.

If you have a dental implant, the final step in the implant process is fitting your smile with a dental crown that will attach to the end of the implant. Dental crowns are also part of dental bridges, which can help replace numerous missing teeth in a row.

People may also need dental crowns for:

  • Worn-out or damaged fillings
  • Deeply cracked or chipped teeth
  • Misshapen or oddly colored teeth
  • Teeth that have been worn down due to bruxism
  • Weakened teeth that need to be protected

Every case is different and whether or not you need a dental crown will depend on your unique smile and what your goals are. In cases such as dental implants, a crown is necessary. However, if you need to restore an oddly shaped or damaged tooth, you may have other options.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

Part of the reason dental crowns are so popular is because of their longevity. However, that’s not all that makes dental crowns a worthy option. Although we’ve already touched on the durable, realistic, and stain-resistant nature of dental crowns, other benefits include:

  • You get to keep your existing tooth. Unless you need a dental crown for a dental implant, a dental crown will allow you to keep your natural tooth so you can avoid an extraction and a tooth restoration.
  • Minimal maintenance. Dental crowns don’t require much extra work to maintain outside of your regular brushing and flossing. And since they last a long time, you won’t need to keep having work done to your smile to maintain the crown outside of regular cleanings.
  • Restored function. Crowns aren’t just for looks. A dental crown will help restore function to your smile, whether you’re dealing with a broken tooth or need a dental implant. You’ll be able to smile, speak, and chew just like you did with your natural teeth with a dental crown.

For those who qualify, dental crowns can be an excellent restoration option that has the potential to last for decades. In addition, at Saunders DDS, we offer same-day dental crown technology through CEREC, which means you can get your permanent dental crown faster without needing a temporary restoration.

Explore Your Restoration Options With Us

Do you need a dental crown or are you curious about how a dental crown could help improve your smile? If so, contact Saunders DDS today to book an appointment and learn more about your tooth restoration options. Give us a call at (828) 277-6060 or reach us online to request an appointment.

Need to Dental Porcelain Crowns that fit over your existing teeth. Contact Saunders DDS today or call us at (828) 277-6060 for more information.